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Business Intelligence & Data Warehousing

Business Intelligence & Data Warehousing

Businesses today are faced with increasingly complex and dynamic conditions that require quick decision making. The speed with which companies are able to understand the current information in the context of historical data directly affects their business. In order for companies to remain competitive, they need to implement modern technology to perform faster and smarter decisions.

Business Intelligence systems are providing a comprehensive and relevant information necessary for decision making. The information provided is obtained from data generated by a variety of operational and information systems.

Among the solutions Business Intelligence & Data Warehousing include:

  • Self-Service Business Intelligence
  • Reports and Analysis
  • Data Integration
  • Data Quality
  • Operation Monitoring BI


Organizations can use Business Intelligence systems to integrate and process data from all data sources, whether it is a database of applications , both structured and unstructured text data , excel spreadsheets, etc. These systems provide relevant and timely information about the operation of the company , predefined reports, the opportunity to acquire quickly and easily ad- hoc reports, and last but not least, allow you to publish information for strategic as well as operational decisions in various intranet or extranet scorecard and dashbord. Advanced data mining applications give you option to search for correlations in the data, such as leading to cost savings, more efficient marketing activities, better segmentation own customers, etc.