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Product and technology videos

Product and technology videos

Our products and solutions based on Microsoft Business Intelligence and other components including our own allows you to take the right decisions at the right time. In this section you can see practical videos of our solutions and technologies.

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Organizations today are increasingly included a huge amount of information. If you want to make good decisions, you need the appropriate support offered by the Microsoft Business Intelligence platform.

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Self-service access to data reduces user dependency on IT departments, fast access to data and enables users to make the right decision at the right time.

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Power View allows users in a web browser can analyze, visualize, present their data and survey information to share with others.

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See how Power Map tool can help you visualize and understand the geo-location data.

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Data volumes are growing exponentially and behind this growth is as new data types and new data sources. We will design the optimal architecture and implement a data warehouse that will be stable and easily extensible.

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Dashboards provide a single screen clearly visualized information needed to track targets, answering key questions and alert to any issues that staff provide a basis for effective and timely decisions.

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Our solution based on open source technologies, from databases up to web analytics a dashboards. It is a competitive alternative to commercial BI platforms, all of that with minimal costs.

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We created Presentational and analytical platform based on our own tools with usage of high-end .NET components. Our platform will give you relevant information based on your company data and it will help you improve your company performance.